[Tikiwiki-users] Integrator - one of Tiki's hidden treasures
2017-03-16 13:54:45 UTC
Hello Devs and Users,

after some IRC support chat with a new community member I found that his
use case to provide access to a set of HTML and JS files in a folder
structure was in fact the task to integrte a Doxygen Repository of his
companies coders into their new Tiki Intranet.

/Doxygen is a documentation generator, a tool for writing software
reference documentation. The documentation is written within code,
and is thus relatively easy to keep up to date. Doxygen can cross
reference documentation and code, so that the reader of a document
can easily refer to the actual code./


/Doxygen is free software, released under the terms of the GNU
General Public License version 2 (GPLv2)./

Once I realised it was a Doxygen, I could manage to find an Example
Doxygen in the internet, implemented that in a local Tiki 16 (outside
the Tikiroot, thus not accessible via direct links, thus inside Tikis

Next step was some CSS tweaking and woohoo it works.

Thinking further I just now tried (successfully) to integrate a PHPdoc
Repository, as Integrator was years ago coded specifically for Doxygen,
but I assumed that autogenerated Code documentation likely has a similar

And yes it does!

So Tiki Integrator now is a tool to easily and non-publicly give access
to an arbitrary number of Doxygen *AND* PHPdoc Repositories. Update of
the to date outdated documentation and an article is under way.

In case some of you use other documentation creators like Javadoc,
ApiGen, etc. that generate the documentation as set of HTML files, you
might want to send me a small Demo Repository and I will try to import
that to Tiki and then, if successful document on doc.tiki.org.

Thanks to Padlock for this nice use case.

Best regards,
