[Tikiwiki-users] CartoGraph and Tiki
2016-12-08 16:55:50 UTC
Dear folks, is Cartograph still supported?
I tried to use the Cartograph profile with a 12.9 installation and it seemed
riddled with errors. I can go into more detail on the errors if you'd like,
but if it's unsupported at this time then that would answer my question.

And while on that subject, will it eventually be supported for 15.x ?
thanks folks!

John M.
Just learning enough Tiki to be dangerous!
View this message in context: http://tikiwiki.1073613.n5.nabble.com/CartoGraph-and-Tiki-tp37099.html
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2016-12-08 20:05:36 UTC
Hello John,

there hs been some work and a lot of eMails related to maps and
cartograph with Tiki 15 in recent times and especially last week.

Post by jmorris
Dear folks, is Cartograph still supported?
I tried to use the Cartograph profile with a 12.9 installation and it seemed
riddled with errors. I can go into more detail on the errors if you'd like,
but if it's unsupported at this time then that would answer my question.
And while on that subject, will it eventually be supported for 15.x ?
thanks folks!
John M.
Just learning enough Tiki to be dangerous!
View this message in context: http://tikiwiki.1073613.n5.nabble.com/CartoGraph-and-Tiki-tp37099.html
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2016-12-09 02:29:20 UTC
Wonderful Torsten! That is some really great news. I can't believe discussion
is happening around Tiki 15.
But back to Tiki 12.9, is it still supported? Thanks so much.

John M.
Just learning enough Tiki to be dangerous!
View this message in context: http://tikiwiki.1073613.n5.nabble.com/CartoGraph-and-Tiki-tp37099p37102.html
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2016-12-09 03:06:39 UTC
Sorry John, I have no idea.

I am mainly (98%) working with 15 plus .

I have only one productive project with 12.x, which I soon upgrade to
16, as we recently got enough design input to create a new theme, based
on one of Gary's phantastic new implementations (WP's Twenty_Sixteen)
and on the design of a wordpress-conference-website of a partner company
of the NPO which hosts the Tiki website.

I have at least one project, running 15 or 16 where I likely need soon
some kind of map for local groups of a German NPO ... thinking on
Cartograph aswell, but I need it integrated in an intranet setup - so
maybe I need to implement parts of cartograph manually.

I try to keep in mind, that you have a similar use case, to not forget
to keep you informed. Please vice versa aswell.

By the way: I am not involved in coding. So please follow the cvs/svn
list yourself.

The last commits to Cartograph in Tiki15 I have seen after rechecking
just now, has been from Jonny at 30 April and 1 May 2016.

Additionally there is a discussion related to PluginMap this week in the

Post by jmorris
Wonderful Torsten! That is some really great news. I can't believe discussion
is happening around Tiki 15.
But back to Tiki 12.9, is it still supported? Thanks so much.
John M.
Just learning enough Tiki to be dangerous!
View this message in context: http://tikiwiki.1073613.n5.nabble.com/CartoGraph-and-Tiki-tp37099p37102.html
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2016-12-09 03:12:00 UTC
Thanks so much Torsten. I have high hope for Cartograph, I really love it at
the demo site.
Please disregard my remark about errors with 12.9 and Cartograph, I forgot
to rename the _htaccess to .htaccess, that all it was.

as far as just checking out the Cartograph template and styles for Tiki
12.9, I am trying to find the attached zip file for the Carto theme as my
directions at my install state:
*Download the latest version of the CartoGraf theme which is attached to the
bottom of this page and unpack its contents (styles and templates) over your
Tiki root folder (if you haven't done so already).*

I go to this page at https://profiles.tiki.org/CartoGraf and I cannot see a
zip file for the Carto Template and Styles, I see this at
and this at https://svn.code.sf.net/p/tikiwiki/code/users/cartograf

But for the life of my am knocking my head around trying to figure out how
to download the files. I am confused.

Thanks for your reply Torsten, carto with Tiki15 sounds very exciting!

John M.
Just learning enough Tiki to be dangerous!
View this message in context: http://tikiwiki.1073613.n5.nabble.com/CartoGraph-and-Tiki-tp37099p37104.html
Sent from the TikiWiki - User mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
2016-12-09 04:14:51 UTC
Again, disregard my complications finding the theme templates styles, I got
it, I just need to read instructions better.

John M.
Just learning enough Tiki to be dangerous!
View this message in context: http://tikiwiki.1073613.n5.nabble.com/CartoGraph-and-Tiki-tp37099p37105.html
Sent from the TikiWiki - User mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
2016-12-09 05:03:01 UTC
Ok, I just got my instance of Carto on a tiki 12.9 working, and it's the
bomb! I love it!
Can't wait till Carto for Tiki 15.x is ready guys, keep up the great work!

Torsten, I ultimately would like to replace the existing geo location
feature on my existing tiki with cartograph. Or somehow link the two

My use case would be in the realm of woodworking history around the world.
Here is my existing wiki at http://thepatriotwoodwiki.org/HomePage
It's in the baby steps, so I can still change things up or begin with a new
instance if need be. But for example, if you go to this page at
You may notice that James Krenov was born in Siberia, I would love to mark
this location on a cartograph map. I am excited about the possibilities.


John M.
Just learning enough Tiki to be dangerous!
View this message in context: http://tikiwiki.1073613.n5.nabble.com/CartoGraph-and-Tiki-tp37099p37106.html
Sent from the TikiWiki - User mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
2016-12-09 05:31:15 UTC
the Cartograph uses Trackers
Post by jmorris
Ok, I just got my instance of Carto on a tiki 12.9 working, and it's the
bomb! I love it!
Can't wait till Carto for Tiki 15.x is ready guys, keep up the great work!
Torsten, I ultimately would like to replace the existing geo location
feature on my existing tiki with cartograph. Or somehow link the two
My use case would be in the realm of woodworking history around the world.
Here is my existing wiki at http://thepatriotwoodwiki.org/HomePage
It's in the baby steps, so I can still change things up or begin with a new
instance if need be. But for example, if you go to this page at
You may notice that James Krenov was born in Siberia, I would love to mark
this location on a cartograph map. I am excited about the possibilities.
John M.
Just learning enough Tiki to be dangerous!
View this message in context: http://tikiwiki.1073613.n5.nabble.com/CartoGraph-and-Tiki-tp37099p37106.html
Sent from the TikiWiki - User mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
Developer Access Program for Intel Xeon Phi Processors
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TikiWiki-users mailing list
2016-12-09 13:51:30 UTC
Torsten, do you have a live instance of your Cartograph 15 running?

John M.
Just learning enough Tiki to be dangerous!
View this message in context: http://tikiwiki.1073613.n5.nabble.com/CartoGraph-and-Tiki-tp37099p37111.html
Sent from the TikiWiki - User mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
2016-12-09 14:15:22 UTC
not yet, but surely I hope to not forget to show you once I have it
Post by jmorris
Torsten, do you have a live instance of your Cartograph 15 running?
John M.
Just learning enough Tiki to be dangerous!
View this message in context: http://tikiwiki.1073613.n5.nabble.com/CartoGraph-and-Tiki-tp37099p37111.html
Sent from the TikiWiki - User mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
Developer Access Program for Intel Xeon Phi Processors
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TikiWiki-users mailing list
2016-12-09 15:15:00 UTC
Don't worry, I'll bug you and remind you Torsten!

John M.
Just learning enough Tiki to be dangerous!
View this message in context: http://tikiwiki.1073613.n5.nabble.com/CartoGraph-and-Tiki-tp37099p37114.html
Sent from the TikiWiki - User mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
2017-02-05 14:59:52 UTC
Has there been any movement for Cartograph and Tiki15?
Just curious is all.

John M.
Just learning enough Tiki to be dangerous!
View this message in context: http://tikiwiki.1073613.n5.nabble.com/CartoGraph-and-Tiki-tp37099p37738.html
Sent from the TikiWiki - User mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
Marc Laporte
2017-02-09 03:57:07 UTC
The profile is here: https://profiles.tiki.org/CartoGraf_15

Latest edits:


Latest code changes:

On Sun, Feb 5, 2017 at 3:59 PM, jmorris
Post by jmorris
Has there been any movement for Cartograph and Tiki15?
Just curious is all.
John M.
Just learning enough Tiki to be dangerous!
View this message in context: http://tikiwiki.1073613.n5.nabble.com/CartoGraph-and-Tiki-tp37099p37738.html
Sent from the TikiWiki - User mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
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Marc Laporte

2017-02-10 00:48:11 UTC
Thanks Marc, the theme for Carto 15 is not available yet though correct?
there is no theme to export.

John M.
Just learning enough Tiki to be dangerous!
View this message in context: http://tikiwiki.1073613.n5.nabble.com/CartoGraph-and-Tiki-tp37099p37775.html
Sent from the TikiWiki - User mailing list archive at Nabble.com.